magazine style cover portrait of julie 50 and fabulous photography by zoriart photography for her project 21 days of real women

glam portrait of Julie, 50 and fabulous, during zoriart photography project 21 days of real women

 What is the best thing about being your age?

The self knowledge and confidence that comes with life experience. You have lived life, gone through ups and downs, had successes and made mistakes and with that comes self awareness and a realisation of the importance of being true to oneself.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Moving abroad without knowing anyone and starting a new life.

What's your favourite thing you have checked off your bucket list?

Going on a wildlife safari in Africa.

What is a trait you are most proud of?

My ability to accept people for who they are without judgement.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Being able to start things earlier, I can be quite last minute :-)

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being healthy, doing things I love, having wonderful people in my life.

What is your most treasured possession?

I'm not very attached to things, my family and friends are what I treasure. Recently though I was given a brooch which belonged to my grandmother who passed away when I was a teenager, that has a lot of sentimental value.

What is your greatest fear?

To lose my capacity and not be able to do anything for myself or recognise my loved ones.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Be true to yourself. Be brave in listening to your heart and following it. Be courageous in expressing what you think and how you feel. Don’t worry so much about what others think or trying to meet others’ expectations. How people react and behave is their issue.

How important is self-love and dedicating little moments of celebrating yourself?

Extremely important. If we can’t love ourselves (both the positive and shadow aspects of ourselves) how can we fully love others? Showing kindness and compassion to yourself enables you to do the same for others.

What is your motto or favourite quote?

It’s okay. Whatever the situation, even if it’s not okay, that’s okay.

21 days of real women project by zoriart photography vevey switzerland portrait of julie

glam portrait of Julie, 50 and fabulous, during zoriart project 21 days of real women

black and white glam portrait of Julie, 50 and fabulous, during zoriart photography project 21 days of real women

Additional thoughts for younger women…

Life is about choices. When you say yes to something, that also means saying no to something else. Take responsibility for your decisions and actions. There are no mistakes, only opportunities for growth. Rather than lament your choices or your situation, ask yourself what you need to learn and what you can do differently. The only person you can change is you.

glam portrait of Julie, 50 and fabulous, during zoriart photography project 21 days of real women


julie glam portrait