black and white empowering portrait of jennifer during her photo session 21 days of real women by zori art photography

What is the best thing about being your age?

Developing a wise perspective about life, with grace and patience.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Raising to two creative, sporty kick-ass girls who will soon rule the world... Watch out, seriously ! :D

What's your favourite thing you have checked off your bucket list?

I've travelled the world and experienced amazing people, foods and cultures. There's still more to see!

What is a trait you are most proud of?

Empathy for all living creatures.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I'm vertically challenged - a little extra height would be beneficial... especially at concerts! :D

empowering portrait experience for women at zori art portrait studio in chardonne switzelrand

 What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Peace, just peace. Quiet moments, listening to birds, hearing water flow over stones, sun on my face.

Hearing laughter - true belly laughter - from people around me. Smiles and shared giggles, singable music with no expectations.

What is your most treasured possession?

Family photos. They are historical evidence of our past, present, and future journeys. We are one.

What is your greatest fear?

That we destroy ourselves - wether it's by climate or war - before the next generation has time to make a change.

What do you most value in your friends?

Genuine honesty, patience and an open heart.

glam portrait of jennifer in a beautiful dress during her photoshoot with zori art photography
glamorous portrait of jennifer in a beautiful dress during her photoshoot with zori art photography

What advice would you give your younger self?

There is no one else like YOU in the WORLD.

Embrace the Crazy. LAUGH more. LOVE stronger. EXPRESS your heart's desires.

Don't be afraid of those who chose to judge you - it's more about their issues, reflected towards you.

Time is precious... don't waste it.

What is your motto?

Make your LIFE a work of ART.

How important is self-love and dedicating little moments of celebrating yourself?

Time for yourself is the best kind of self-love there is... then you can share that love with others. Everyone wins.

black and white portrait of jennifer during her photo session 21 days of real women by zori art photography

Additional thoughts for younger women....

ACCEPT challenges - there's some growing to do, it builds your character.

EMBRACE change - it's a sign to close a chapter, and start a new one. Most of the time it is for the best.

APPRECIATE the strange and unusual - it's the spice of life.

All that small, superficial, Photoshopped stuff you see on Social Media isn't real.

YOU are real. You BE YOU.

Imperfection is PERFECTION.

TRUST the path set out in front of you. Everything will flow into place.

before the transformation portrait of jennifer for the project 21 days of real women by zori art photography, chardonne switzerland
glamour portrait of jennifer by zori art photography 21 days of real women