patricia cover photo for 21 days of real women photo project by zori art photography

21 days of real women photo project by zori art photography vevey switzerland. portrait of particia kuoni

What is the best thing about being your age?

Vivre l'instant présent, l'expérience de la vie et "profitons maintenant, car on ne sait pas de quoi est fait demain".

(ENG // Knowing how to live in the present moment and the life experience I have. I say “we enjoy today because we don’t know what tomorrow looks like”)

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Mes filles, ma reconversion professionnelle et la chance d'avoir un merveilleux cercle d'amis.

(ENG // My girls, changing my career path and having a wonderful circle of friends. I am lucky!)

What's your favourite thing you have checked off your bucket list?

Les voyages sacs à dos qui m'ont permis de découvrir des cultures différentes, des gens merveilleux, la nourriture et la nature.

(ENG // My backpacker trips which introduced me to different cultures, lovely people, food and nature)

What is a trait you are most proud of?

Ma générosité, le partage, la bienveillance.

(ENG // My generosity, sharing and kindness)

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Je ne changerai rien, car la vie que j'ai vécu m'a permis d'être qui je suis.

(ENG // I wouldn’t change a thing! The life I had made me who I am today)

portrait of Patricia during zori art photo project 21 days of real women

 What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Rire, partager de bons moments avec des amis et ma famille autour d'un bon repas et d'une bonne bouteille de vin.

(ENG // Laugh and share great moments with friends and family with a good meal and a good bottle of wine)

What is your most treasured possession?

La vie.

(ENG // Life)

What is your greatest fear?

Que nous détruisions notre Planète.

(ENG // That we will destroy our planet)

What do you most value in your friends?

La sincérité, leur présence et leur amour.

(ENG // Their sincerity, presence and love)

portrait of patricia zori art photography

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't worry, be happy and enjoy life :)

What is your motto?

La vie est belle.

How important is self-love and dedicating little moments of celebrating yourself?

Prendre du temps pour moi, m'aimer, me respecter et partager cela avec mon entourage.

(ENG // Taking time for myself, to love and respect myself and share it with my entourage is essential)

patricia glam portrait by zori art photography vevey switzerland

Additional thoughts for younger women....

Croquer la vie à pleine dent, se faire plaisir, prendre soin de soi et mettre un peu, beaucoup de piment dans sa vie.

(ENG // Enjoy life to the fullest. Take care of yourself and add some spice in your life)

patricia after portrait by zori art