Muriel Marchese

1. What is the best thing about being your age?

Not taking myself too seriously and not (or less) bothering about what people might think about me.

2. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My two boys!

3. What's your favourite thing you have checked off your bucket list?

I feel lucky to have seen the Aurora Borealis in Finland with one of my boys. I don't really have a bucket list, things come naturally to me and I'm happy how my life has worked out.

4. What is a trait you are most proud of?

My enthusiasm.


5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I asked a friend to share her thoughts on this question. Her answer was: "Nothing, you are perfect!"

6. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being able to enjoy life in its entirety and contributing to other people's happiness.

7. What is your most treasured possession?

My paintings.


8. What is your greatest fear?

To lose my freedom.

9. What do you most value in your friends?

Their loyalty, support, being attentive, humour, enthusiasm, energy, fun.

10. What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't overthink and listen to your inner voice. You are your only limit, nothing is impossible.

Just try and do what you want, not what others expect from you. Enjoy the small moments, they may not return.


11. How important is self-love and dedicating little moments of celebrating yourself?

For a large part of my life, I prioritised caring for others ( family, parents, friends), before understanding my own worth.

Today, self-love and self-esteem have become increasingly significant to me.

12. What is your motto or favourite quote?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

13. Additional thoughts for younger women....

Listen to your own intuition and inner wisdom when it comes to making final decisions. Don't give away your power.

Social media presents the illusion of reality, but it is often fabricated. I would advise young women and individuals

not to blindly trust every word of influencers, etc. Instead, think critically, observe, and form your own judgments.





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