magazine cover of karla for the project 21 days of real women by zori art photography

 What is the best thing about being your age?

Fifty years. Half a century… and not too worried about turning a whole century! Turning 50 brought me a feeling of inner peace, wisdom and much more eagerness to live life to the fullest! The wisdom of being 50 helps us to focus on the interesting opportunities that life brings us along with the right people to ride on this journey…

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Wait! I still have much more to accomplish! Making dear friends in all the countries where I have lived - five so far - has been one of the highlights of my life. Different countries, several cities, with diverse cultures and climates, but meeting great human beings in each of these places and keeping them as friends is something I carry close to my heart.

What is a trait you are most proud of?

Being able to truly listen to people without giving unsolicited opinions. Respect for others.

What's your favourite thing you have checked off your bucket list?

Unusual trips to places that existed only in my wildest dreams: biking in Normandy, France; hiking in Machu Picchu, Peru; sailing the fjords in Norway; visiting the Scottish Highlands…. And all these trips with special people around me! The truth is that I keep updating my bucket list and it still goes on…

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

My constant thinking. I think too much, all the time, about everything. I just want to relax a bit more and… I am achieving it — happy 50s…

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being by the beach, nice weather, an interesting book, cool music in the background and a special person sharing this moment with you… but knowing that your dear friends are closely enough so you can meet with them later and have fun!

What is your most treasured possession?

My passport. It represents my freedom, the possibility of being able to go to different places at any time, including my home country.

What is your biggest fear?

Being stuck in one place. Lack of mobility. Restraint of freedom.

What is your motto or favourite quote?

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

What advice would you give your younger self?

Write a bucket list and be creative. But in doing so, use pencil and a large piece of paper. Do not hesitate to erase some of the things that are no longer important but, above all, add everything you never thought you could do, no matter how improbable it may seem to achieve. You will be surprised at how much you will achieve.

How important is self-love and dedicating little moments of celebrating yourself?

Self-love and self-celebration are so important that we all should have them tattooed on our bodies so that we do not forget it.

Additional thoughts for younger women…

Respect yourself. Take care of your body and mind equally. Your image is a reflection of your inner self; so appreciate yourself first and foremost. And have fun! Laugh, dance, make friends. Life will not be always easy, and being able to laugh at adversity— and if possible along with great friends— makes life worth living.



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